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QFNU holds a school running event to commemorate the 88th anniversary of the December 9th Movement

Release Time:2023-12-10Article Source:Department of Propaganda Number Of Views:

To commemorate the 88th anniversary of the December 9th Movement and promote patriotism, on the afternoon of December 6th, the Youth League Committee of QFNU held a running event around the school campus, with over 500 students participating.

The entire distance of this run was 4 kilometers. The starting and ending points of the event were the Yifu Academic Exchange Center, passing through iconic buildings such as Zhizhi Building, Gewu Building, China Teachers Museum, Confucius Culture Square, and Comprehensive Teaching Building. There were four supply stations along the way. In addition to providing the route guidance, energy supply, emergency medical and other services for participants, the supply stations also set up a lottery answering session. Participants need to answer questions related to the "December 9th" Movement, which not only added fun but also enriched the activity.

Li Linhao, a student from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, was the first to reach the finishing line and won the championship of the school run with a time of 13 minutes and 34 seconds. All contestants have completed the competition, and their vigorous running figures formed a beautiful scenery, demonstrating a vibrant and positive attitude of students striving for progress.

Close PrintResponsible Editor:孙红梅


Qufu Campus: 57 Jingxuan West Road, Qufu, Shandong

Rizhao Campus: 80 Yantai North Road, Rizhao,Shandong
